Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Perhaps this was caused by the FedEx man opening the package.

We told him not to.


The Package, is a project, concieved by me, Trent Creswell, that will be running this year at the Chattanooga Theatre Centre.
This piece is concieved by me, but in no way written by me, you see ?

It is an intensely physical project with a narrative about NOT OPENING PACKAGES THAT SAY DO NOT OPEN!

But, there are nonsequiters(sp?), intertwined with this strange story. These segments are simply things that i personally wanted to see done on stage.

For example: Taking a dollar bill, writing on it, putting it in a blender with oranges apples bananas and other fruity treats, and drinking it all down !
Acts like contact improv shopping cart jousting!
Acts like competitive ear cleaning!
And others!!!!!

But, i want your ideas of weird strange things that if i dont put it on stage, it might not ever be put on stage.

TELL ME ! TELL ME ! TELL ME !!!!!!!!!!